COMING Q1, 2025

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The Heart of Transition

is available!

Why I'm Writing

This Book

With so many businesses at ownership or leadership crossroads, I could not be more passionate about helping them transition to their next chapter!

But after more than 30 years leading businesses and a nonprofit with focuses on growing revenue, optimizing profitability (or EBITDA), and developing leaders, I am NOT a traditional consultant.

I am an execution-focused operator.

This is even more important for succession, exit planning, and turnarounds, because there are so many pitfalls and horror stories.

For example, businesses that are:

1. leaving tens of millions of dollars on the table when being acquired;

2. closing their doors because they either ignored or were unaware of the need for execution-focused succession planning;

3. transitioning with unprepared leaders and teams who were either poorly selected, or not given the tools they needed to succeed in roles with significantly more accountability; and

4. hiring future leaders with zero integrity (because on paper, these people often look good).

That's why I'm here to help companies and owners create their best life possible as they prepare for whatever they consider to be their "next chapter."

So I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn today and let me know:

What's working for you?

What challenges are you facing?


What's not working for you?

I look forward to learning more!
